Consortium Sagris

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''Consortium of Kentapotzidis-Kotzakioulafis-Sagris'' is the official distributor for the most important categories of authentic olympic products athens 2004, that is to say, of athletic clothing(t-shirtspolos, footers etc), of civil clothing(shirtsties, neckerchieves etc), of kid''s clothing(t-shirtspolos, shorts, hats, baby''s napkins etc), as well as of the categories of hats and accessories. The authentic olympic products are owns high quality and they are made according to the strict quality specs that have been set by the organisation commitee of olympic games athens 2004. Their high quality, allowed them to be sold during the quadrennial preparation of the olympiad and to make the difference among the souvenirs of other organisations, that their commodity interest is limited to the period of the contuct of the olympic games. Official olympic products have been widely advertised, they feature symbol of the successfull conduct of the olympic games in our country and the consumers'' love has given them priceless value, while they show a great consuming interest for 2 - 3 years after the termination of the olympic games.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameConsortium Sagris
Factory LocationAmfitritis 15, Athens, Greece Weinan,Shaanxi
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main Products
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
Year Established2000

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